第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强船舶交通管理,保障船舶交通安全,提高船舶交通效率,保护水域环境,根据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》《中华人民共和国船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理规则》《船舶引航管理规定》等有关法律、法规和规章,制定本细则。
第二条 本细则适用于在中华人民共和国日照海事局船舶交通管理系统(以下简称VTS系统)区域(以下简称VTS区域)内航行、停泊和作业的船舶、设施(以下简称船舶)及其所有人、经营人、管理人和相关单位及人员。
第三条 中华人民共和国日照海事局是实施本细则的主管机关(以下简称主管机关)。
第二章 船舶报告
第四条 除军用船、公务船、渔船和体育运动船舶外,下列船舶在VTS区域内航行、停泊和作业时,应向VTS中心报告:
第五条 在VTS区域内,船舶应向VTS中心报告的船舶动态包括船舶抛(起)锚、进(出)航道、靠(离、移)泊以及VTS中心要求的其他事项。
第六条 船舶在VTS区域内发现助航标志或导航设施异常、有妨碍航行安全的障碍物、漂流物或其他妨碍航行安全的异常情况时,应立即向VTS中心报告。
第七条 船舶在VTS区域内发生或发现船舶交通事故、污染事故、保安事件或其他紧急情况时,应立即通过VHF或其他一切有效手段向VTS中心报告。
第八条 按公约和法规要求配备AIS的船舶应正常开启AIS设备,并确保AIS信息准确。
第九条 船舶在VTS区域内进行下列作业,除应遵守主管机关有关规定外,还应在作业前和结束后,向VTS中心报告:
第十条 引航机构应按规定及时报告引航方案和引航计划,如计划有变更,应提前向VTS中心报告。
第三章 船舶交通管理
第十一条 船舶在VTS区域内航行、停泊、作业,应服从VTS中心的交通管理。
第十二条 引航员引领船舶进出港时,应在规定的地点登(离)船。
第十三条 禁止船舶在航道、港池和其他禁锚区锚泊,紧急情况下锚泊应当立即报告VTS中心。
第十四条 船舶在VTS区域内航行时,应使用安全航速,并遵守以下规定:
第十五条 禁止在航道、锚地、港池及其附近区域试车、试航、测速、校正罗经等活动。
第十六条 VTS中心根据通航环境情况、气象海况条件、船舶航行计划和交通流量状况等对船舶进出港实施交通组织。
第十七条 港口经营人、船舶或有关代理人应按要求提前报告进出港和港内移泊计划,如计划有变更,应提前向VTS中心报告。VTS中心有权根据交通组织的实际情况对航行计划予以调整、变更。
第十八条 遇有下列对海上交通安全有较大影响的情形之一,VTS 中心可根据规定实施限速、限时通航、绕航、单向通航、停航等海上交通管制措施,并向社会公告:
第四章 船舶交通服务
第十九条 VTS中心可在必要时播发船舶动态、助航标识状况、水文气象、航行警(通)告和其他交通安全信息。
第二十条 应船舶请求,VTS中心可为船舶在航行困难或气象恶劣环境下,或船舶出现故障或损坏时,提供助航服务。
第二十一条 为避免紧迫局面的发生,VTS中心可向船舶提出建议、劝告或发出警告。
第二十二条 VTS区域内存在VTS雷达盲区,船舶在VTS雷达盲区内航行时,应特别谨慎地驾驶。
第五章 通信与值守
第二十三条 船舶航行、锚泊和作业时,应在VTS中心甚高频无线电话工作频道保持守听,确保与VTS中心联系畅通。
第二十四条 船舶、设施及相关单位和人员应遵守公共通信秩序,不得占用或干扰VTS工作频道。当进行海上救助时,无关船舶不得影响遇险救助通信。
第二十五条 船舶应加强对遇险报警设备的管理,一旦发出误报警,应及时采取有效措施消除影响,并立即报告VTS中心。
第二十六条 VTS中心工作语言为汉语普通话或英语。
第六章 法律责任
第二十七条 对违反本细则的,主管机关依据有关法律、法规、规章,给予相应的处理。
第二十八条 本细则的实施,在任何情况下都不免除船长对本船安全航行的责任,也不妨碍引航员和船长之间的职责关系。
第二十九条 本细则所规定的报告,不免除船舶或其代理人按照相关规定实施国际航行船舶进出口岸审批申请、外国籍船舶进入中国领海报告、船舶进出港报告的义务。
第三十条 为避免危及人命、财产或环境安全的紧急情况发生,船长和引航员在背离本细则有关条款时,应立即报告 VTS 中心。
第七章 附 则
第三十一条 本细则下列用语的含义:
A:35°22′.9N 119°33′.7E;
B:35°23′.7N 119°38′.8E;
C:35°19′.0N 119°49′.0E;
D:35°10′.7N 119°43′.7E;
E:35°16′.4N 119°30′.5E;
F:35°20′.3N 119°30′.5E。
A:35°13′.0N 119°23′.3E
B:35°13′.0N 119°26′.2E
C:35°11′.1N 119°27′.0E
D:35°09′.5N 119°30′.4E;
E:35°09′.5N 119°40′.6E;
F:35°00′.0N 119°40′.6E;
G:35°00′.0N 119°25′.7E;
H:35°04′.7N 119°21′.1E。
(五) 危险货物是指国际海上危险货物运输规则和国家危险货物品名表上列明的,易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性、有污染危害性等,在船舶载运过程中可能造成人身伤害、财产损失或者环境污染而需要采取特别防护措施的货物。
第三十二条 本细则自2023年5月1日起施行,有效期至2028年4月30日。中华人民共和国山东海事局通告2019年(第7号)公布的《日照船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理细则》同时废止。
日照VTS中心有两个VTS管理服务区,分别是日照管理服务区、岚山管理服务区。在日照管理服务区的船舶应呼叫日照交管,频道:VHF CH14;在岚山管理服务区的船舶应呼叫岚山交管,频道:VHF CH09。
A:35°22′.9N 119°33′.7E
B:35°23′.7N 119°38′.8E
C:35°19′.0N 119°49′.0E
D:35°10′.7N 119°43′.7E
E:35°16′.4N 119°30′.5E
F:35°20′.3N 119°30′.5E
A:35°13′.0N 119°23′.3E
B:35°13′.0N 119°26′.2E
C:35°11′.1N 119°27′.0E
D:35°09′.5N 119°30′.4E;
E:35°09′.5N 119°40′.6E;
F:35°00′.0N 119°40′.6E;
G:35°00′.0N 119°25′.7E;
H:35°04′.7N 119°21′.1E。
(六)工作时间:北京时间 每日0000时-2400时
是以A点(35°22′.9N 119°33′.7E)、B点(35°23′.7N 119°38′.8E)、C点(35°19′.0N 119°49′.0E)、D点(35°10′.7N 119°43′.7E)、E点(35°16′.4N 119°30′.5E)、F点(35°20′.3N 119°30′.5E)六点依次连线。
是以A点(35°13′.0N 119°23′.3E)、B点(35°13′.0N 119°26′.2E)、C点(35°11′.1N 119°27′.0E)、D点(35°09′.5N 119°30′.4E)、E点(35°09′.5N 119°40′.6E)、F点(35°00′.0N 119°40′.6E)、***(35°00′.0N 119°25′.7E)、H点(35°04′.7N 119°21′.1E)八点依次连线。
(2)报告方式:日照交管 VHF CH14;岚山交管 VHF CH09
(2)报告方式:日照交管 VHF CH14;岚山交管 VHF CH09
(2)报告方式:日照交管 VHF CH14;岚山交管 VHF CH09
(2)报告方式:日照交管 VHF CH14;岚山交管 VHF CH09
(2)报告方式:日照交管 VHF CH14;岚山交管 VHF CH09
(2)报告方式:日照交管 VHF CH14;岚山交管 VHF CH09
2.报告方式:日照交管 VHF CH14;岚山交管 VHF CH09
(1)一号登(离)轮水域:以35°18′.28N 119°38′.48E为圆心,半径为750米的圆形水域,船舶吃水<16米;
(2)二号登(离)轮水域:以35°17′.30N 119°40′.82E为圆心,半径为750米的圆形水域,16米≤船舶吃水<19.5米;
(3)三号登(离)轮水域:以35°16′.48N 119°46′.68E为圆心,半径为750米的圆形水域,船舶吃水≥19.5米。
(5)五号登(离)轮水域:以35°12′.15N 119°43′.10E为圆心,半径500米圆形水域, 吃水≤17.5米且船长≤312米。
(6) 六号登(离)轮水域:以35°11′.00N 119°50′.00E为圆心,半径1000米圆形水域, 吃水>17.5米。
(7) 煤码头登(离)轮水域:以35°20′.30N 119°36′.70E为圆心,半径500米圆形水域,仅限靠离日照港煤码头船舶使用。
(1)南作业区一号登(离)轮水域:以35°02′.25N 119°30′.00E为圆心,半径为500米的圆形水域,船舶吃水<14米且船长<250米;
(2)南作业区二号登(离)轮水域:以35°03′.80N 119°37′.77E为圆心,半径为500米的圆形水域,船舶吃水≥14米或船长≥250米;
(3)中作业区一号登(离)轮水域:以35°04′.50N 120°02′.50E为圆心,半径为1500米的圆形水域,限VLCC, 吃水>20.5米;
(4)中作业区二号登(离)轮水域:以35°07′.50N 119°46′.00E为圆心,半径为1000米的圆形水域,15.0米≤吃水≤20.5米或船长≥300米。
(5)中作业区三号登(离)轮水域:以35°06′.00N 119°34′.00E为圆心,半径为1000米的圆形水域,船舶吃水<15米且船长<300米
2.在VTS水域内, 客船最高航速不得超过15节,其他船舶不得超过12节。
AIS系统:24海里作用距离,具有船舶识别和发送/接受AIS 信息功能。
通信地址: 中国山东日照市天津路101号
邮政编码: 276826
联系电话: +86-633-8385429
传 真: +86-633-7989820
1 Summary
1.1 VTS Identifier
Rizhao VTS area consists of two sectors, Management and service area of Rizhao port, Management and service area of Lanshan port. Vessels in Rizhao port area should call Rizhao VTS and keep watch on VHF CH14; Vessels in Lanshan port area should call Lanshan VTS and keep watch on VHF CH09.
1.2 Applicable Vessels
Foreign vessels
Vessels registered in China of 500 GRT or more
Passenger vessels of more than 50 meters
Vessels carrying hazardous goods and engaging operations to receive oily sewage
Vessels restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
1.3 Management and Service Area
1. 3.1 Management and Service Area of Rizhao Port: covering the waters surrounded by the coastline and joint lines connecting the following six points:
A: 35°22′.9N 119°33′.7E
B: 35°23′.7N 119°38′.8E
C: 35°19′.0N 119°49′.0E
D: 35°10′.7N 119°43′.7E
E: 35°16′.4N 119°30′.5E
F: 35°20′.3N 119°30′.5E
1.3.2 Management and Service Area of Lanshan Port: covering the waters surrounded by the coastline and joint lines connecting the following eight points:
A: 35°13′.0N 119°23′.3E
B: 35°13′.0N 119°26′.2E
C: 35°11′.1N 119°27′.0E
D: 35°09′.5N 119°30′.4E;
E: 35°09′.5N 119°40′.6E;
F: 35°00′.0N 119°40′.6E;
G: 35°00′.0N 119°25′.7E;
H: 35°04′.7N 119°21′.1E。
Management and service areas of Rizhao port and Lanshan port
(Not to be used for navigation)
1.4 Radar Blind Area
Radar blind areas exist in the VTS area, including but not limited to dock basin waters and the waters of quayside. In the radar blind area, VTS center just provides information service on request and vessels should navigate with caution.
1.5 Working Language: Chinese and/or English
1.6 Working Time: 0000--2400(Beijing time)
2 Report
2.1 Reporting Line
2.1.1 Rizhao VTS Reporting Line:
The joint line connecting the following points:
A: 35°22′.9N 119°33′.7E
B: 35°23′.7N 119°38′.8E
C: 35°19′.0N 119°49′.0E
D: 35°10′.7N 119°43′.7E
E: 35°16′.4N 119°30′.5E
F: 35°20′.3N 119°30′.5E
2.1.2 Lanshan VTS Reporting Line:
The joint line connecting the following points:
A: 35°13′.0N 119°23′.3E
B: 35°13′.0N 119°26′.2E
C: 35°11′.1N 119°27′.0E
D:35°09′.5N 119°30′.4E
E: 35°09′.5N 119°40′.6E
F: 35°00′.0N 119°40′.6E
G: 35°00′.0N 119°25′.7E
H: 35°04′.7N 119°21′.1E
2.2 Types of Report
2.2.1 Entry Report
WHEN or POSITION: Arriving at Rizhao port VTS reporting line and Lanshan port VTS reporting line
TO: Rizhao VTS, VHF14; Lanshan VTS, VHF09
GIVING: Ship’s name, position, draught, purpose of entry and other required information
2.2.2 Arriving Report
WHEN or POSITION: After berthing or anchoring
TO: Rizhao VTS, VHF14; Lanshan VTS, VHF09
GIVING: Ship’s name, berth or anchoring position, finishing time
2.2.3 Moving Report
WHEN or POSITION: Before dropping/heaving up anchor and shifting
TO: Rizhao VTS, VHF14; Lanshan VTS, VHF09
GIVING: Ship’s name, berth number or anchorage
2.2.4 Departure Report
WHEN or POSITION: Before departure from berth or heaving up anchor
TO: Rizhao VTS, VHF14; Lanshan VTS, VHF09
GIVING: Ship’s name, departure position
2.2.5 Final Report
WHEN or POSITION: Departing the report line
TO: Rizhao VTS, VHF14; Lanshan VTS, VHF09
GIVING: Ship’s name, position
2.2.6 Activities Report
WHEN or POSITION: When carrying out the following operations, before operation and after the end of operation, ship and\or person involved should report to VTS center.
Overhauling main engine, maintenance of steering gear, windlass, boiler and other important navigational equipments
Testing main engine, ship trail
Mooring side by side in anchorage
Towing vessels engaged in mooring operation
Engaged in oil sewage and other pollutants disposal operations
Other operations impairing the safety of navigation
TO: Rizhao VTS, VHF14; Lanshan VTS, VHF09
GIVING: Ship’s name, position, contents of activities and other information required by the VTS
2.2.7 Emergency Report
WHEN or POSITION: When involved in or finding any traffic accident, pollution incident, engine damage, injury of persons or any other emergent situation
VIA: by all effective means.
GIVING: Ship’s name, position, type of emergencies and other information required by the VTS
2.2.8 Abnormal Report
WHEN or POSITION: When finding abnormality of navigation aids, leading marks, obstacles, drifting objects or any other unusual circumstances impairing the safety of navigation
VIA: by all effective means.
GIVING: Ship’s name, position, the abnormal circumstances and other information required by the VTS
3 Pilotage
3.1 Pilot Report
WHEN or POSITION: after pilot embarking or before disembarking
TO: Rizhao VTS, VHF14; Lanshan VTS, VHF09
GIVING: ship’s name, time, position, pilot’s name or ID number and the ship’s movements.
3.2 Pilotage Compulsory
Following vessels must apply to Rizhao Pilot Station for pilotage when navigating or shifting berth within Rizhao Port waters:
Foreign vessels;
Other Chinese vessels that shall request pilotage according to national regulations.
3.3 Pilot Boarding Area
Pilots should board (disembark) at the specified water areas.
3.3.1 Rizhao Port Pilot Boarding Area
Area 1: the water area with 35°18′.28N /119°38′.48E as the center and 750m as the radius(vessel’s draft less than 16m).
Area 2: the water area with 35°17′.30N/119°40′.82E as the center and 750m as the radius(vessel’s draft 16m or more, and less than 19.5m);
Area 3: the water area with 35°16′.48N/119°46′.68E as the center and 750m as the radius(vessel’s draft 19.5m or more).
Area 4: the water area with 35°15′.50N/119°35′.00E as the center and 500m as the radius(vessel’s draft 14m or less than 14m,andL.O.A.250m or less than 250m ).
Area 5: the water area with 35°12′.15N 119°43′.10E as the center and 500m as the radius(vessel’s draft 17.5m or less than 17.5m,andL.O.A.312m or less than 312m ).
Area 6: the water area with 35°11′.00N 119°50′.00E as the center and 1000m as the radius(vessel’s draft more than 17.5m).
Area 6: the water area with 35°11′.00N 119°50′.00E as the center and 1000m as the radius(vessel’s draft more than 17.5m).
Coal terminal area:the water area with 35°20′.30N 119°36′.70Eas the center and 500m as the radius(Coal terminals only).
3.3.2 Lanshan Port Pilot Boarding Area
South area 1:the water area with 35°02′.25N/119°30′.00E as the center and 500m as the radius(vessel’s draft less than14m and L.O.A. less than 250m);
South area 2:the water area with 35°03′.80N/119°37′.77E as the center and 500m as the radius(vessel’s draft 14m or more and L.O.A. 250m or more);
Middle area 1:the water area with 35°04′.50N/120°02′.50E as the center and 1500m as the radius(VLCC only, vessel’s draft more than 20.5m);
Middle area 2:the water area with 35°07′.50N/119°46′.00E as the center and 1000m as the radius (vessel’s draft 15m or more, and 20.5m or less , L.O.A 300m or more).
Middle area 3:the water area with 35°06′.00N/119°34′.00E as the center and 1000m as the radius(vessel’s draft less than15m and L.O.A. less than 250m);
4 Sensitive Navigable Area
4.1 Dumping Area
4.1.1 The dumping area of Rizhao Port: within the joint line connecting the following four points
A: 35°17′.00N,119°36′.10E
B: 35°17′.00N,119°36′.90E
C: 35°18′.27N,119°36′.10E
D: 35°18′.27N,119°36′.90E
4.1.2 The dumping area of Lanshan Port:
dumping area 1 : the circle area with the center at 35°00′.00N,119°24′.00E, and the radius of 1500m;
dumping area 2: the circle area with the center at 35°11′.00N,119°39′.38E and the radius of 1000m.
4.2 Cultivation Area
Cultivation area exists in the water area of Rizhao Port,Lanshan Port and adjacent waters, the location of which may change at different season. Meanwhile, many fishing vessels exist in these areas.
5 Service Provided
Meteorology information
Navigational warning (notice)to mariners
Traffic information (on request)
Traffic organization
Navigation assistance (on request)
6 Other Information
6.1 Route Regulations
Anchoring in the channel,basin or the other forbidden anchor area are prohibited. If anchoring in emergency situation, shall report to VTS Center at once.
In the VTS area, all vessels shall proceed with the speed not exceeding 12 knots, except for the passenger vessel, the speed of which should not exceed 15 knots.
Testing main engine, sea trial, speed-test, calibrating magnetic compass are prohibited in the channel, anchorage, basin and adjacent waters.
Without approval, overtaking and U-turn are prohibited in the basin and in the channel. Crossing channel and anchorage shall be acoided.
Vessels entering or leaving the basin are prohibited from meeting at the entrance of the breakwater.
Vessels are prohibited to enter or leave the port or shift berth in one of the following circumstances:
Wind force scale 8 or above;
The visibility is less than 500 meters;
Sea wave 3 meters or above;
Other circumstances that affects vessels’ safety navigation seriously.
Inbound and outbound special vessels including VLCC and LNG carrier should meet the relevant safety conditions.
Ships outside Rizhao VTS waters should also pay attention to receiving maritime safety information such as weather and sea state information, warning information, navigation warning, navigation notice and other maritime safety information issued by maritime administrative authorities.
Ships shall strictly carry out self-inspection before arrival in accordance with the relevant requirements of Rizhao Maritime Safety Administration.
It is recommended that ships use the published recommended route in and out of Rizhao Port and Lanshan Port, far away from the anchorage area of ships and the concentrated operation waters of fishing boats, so as to reduce the probability of meeting other ships and the risk of collision.
A ship shall anchor in the anchorage (anchorage) announced by the maritime administrative authority, and shall not anchor in offshore navigation routes, recommended shipping routes, waters where navigable vessels are densely packed, fishery production and operation areas, and other waters where anchorage is prohibited.
During anchoring in waters outside Rizhao Port, ships shall abide by relevant navigation rules, display signals and hang signs in accordance with relevant regulations, maintain sufficient water depth, and shall not endanger the safety of other ships and maritime facilities.
Attention: In cases of special or emergency situation, approval should be obtained from VTS center before the vessel deviate from the above regulations.
6.2 Responsibility
Under any circumstances, all of the service, information, advices, warnings provided by Rizhao VTS are only reference for masters and pilots.
Under any circumstances, Rizhao VTS operations do not exempt masters and pilots from the responsibility of safe navigation and do not disturb the traditional relationship between them.
6.3 The main technical equipment and functions of Rizhao VTS system
Rader Surveillance System: Effective range of 16 nautical miles with tracking and replay functions.
Ship Data Processing System: 5000 ships’ data processing capacity.
VHF Communication System: Effective range of 24 nautical miles with voice recording function.
Automatic Identification System(AIS):Effective range of 24 nautical miles with the functions of ships’ identify and transmitting/receiving messages.
*** Surveillance System: Assistant video surveillance of the vessels movements.
7 Information Inquiry
Add: Beijing Road, Rizhao, Shandong Province, P. R. China
Rizhao MSA, Rizhao VTS center
Post code: 276826
Tel: +86-633-8385429
Maritime Distress Emergency Call: +86-633-12395
E-mail: rizhao5429@163.com